Learn how to collaborate effectively with other members to further the goals of the DAO

We follow the concepts of self-management and decentralisation closely, to help us better work together and manage our work as we scale. If you haven’t worked in a decentralised environment it can be a little different to traditional hierarchical models of work!

The ultimate goal is to solve for :

  1. Autonomy - allows you self management of your own work;
  2. Emergence - allows the best ideas to emerge and rise to the surface, aligned on purpose;
  3. Accountability - allows us to hold each other accountable for agreed upon roles & delivery;
  4. Empowerment - allows us to make decisions without the need for permission;
  5. Scale - allows us to scale without the need for heavy management structures.

Holarchy Over Hierarchy

Broadly speaking, we operate a holarchy not a hierarchy. Rather than authority being stuck with one person, we empower individuals to have authority and make decisions without asking for permission.

Power to Roles Not People

In a decentralised model, power is not given to people or positions, but instead to roles and circles. A circle is simply a grouping of roles.

Roles tend to be a lot smaller than a traditional position, and can be ‘energised’ by more than one person if needed.

Instead of being locked into a single role as a traditional job description would have (like a marketing manager for example), people can step into as many, and as diverse a set of roles- as they feel they’re able to add value to.

<aside> 🤝 Any DAO member can join a circle and become a working group member. Certain key roles, identified in each circle, are held by specific individuals for the entirety of a season to maintain consistency of operations, although other members may step into these roles as agreed by the community.
