Our intention is to build a strong values-led, psychologically-safe, startup community with participants who support each other with a strong spirit-of-service to help each other get ahead.

Being ‘one-of-us’ means that you commit:

Currently there are two levels of participation in our community

  1. The first is joining the community discord and agreeing to be a good community member.
  2. The second is joining a circle and taking an active role in delivery of work for the DAO and get rewarded in (future) tokens.

Community Participation

We aim to build a community that is open and inclusive. We enshrine this culture in our shared operating values, and follow with some simple community rules when engaging in discord:

Rules of Cooperation For Working Circles

To allow us to operate in a decentralised way where other circle members (or the DAO at large) can hold people accountable for delivery of active roles, requires a number of core commitments and agreements by those taking those roles - these are effectively our rules of cooperation and our commitment to be good DAO citizens!

Since active roles in working circles are remunerated with the DAO’s native tokens, all circle members with active roles must explicitly agree to the following rules of cooperation:

<aside> 🤝 Rules of Cooperation (For Circles/Working Groups)

  1. Duty of transparency for any projects or actions you are tracking
  2. Duty of processing inbound requests related to your role including requests for next-action, progress updates, etc.
  3. Duty of owning, communicating, and managing your own capacity for roles you have taken on
  4. Duty of estimation for work you are tracking or have taken on
  5. Duty to provide regular summary updates for any work you are tracking or are responsible for
  6. Duty to prioritise the circle’s strategies and priorities over your own next-actions for work you are tracking or responsible for
  7. A commitment to push work you are tracking or responsible for forward in a timely manner (i.e. action over inaction)
  8. A commitment to hold each other accountable for delivering upon agreed roles
  9. A commitment to know and check-in what you want, think, and feel with those you’re working with
  10. A commitment to raise any tensions† whenever they are sensed, so they can be processed, and resolved. </aside>


A tension is the feeling you get when you sense a gap between what is and what could be. Tensions are sensed not thought. A tension is anything other than total neutrality. Tensions aren't just "problems". Information can dissolve tension. You can't feel someone else's tension.